Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access my A360 Drive?
Starting mid-March, 2020, A360 Drive users will be redirected to the Autodesk Drive home page. To access A360 Drive, click "Go to A360 Drive" from the top of the Autodesk Drive home page, "Want to access your Data in A360 Drive? Go to A360 Drive."
How long do I have to download my files from A360 Drive?
You will need to download or migrate your data in A360 Drive before September, 2020. See the instructions here.
I don't see the migration option after signing into A360 Drive.
If you’re not a current subscriber, student, or on a maintenance plan, we cannot offer you a migration option. We recommend downloading all of your data locally before September, 2020.
Can I access my dwg files stored in Autodesk Drive using AutoCAD Web, AutoCAD Mobile, or other Autodesk applications?
The ability to access drawing files stored on Autodesk Drive from AutoCAD Web, CAD Mobile and other Autodesk apps is coming soon.
I never used A360 Drive but would like to use Autodesk Drive. How do I know if it’s available to me?
Autodesk Drive access requires an Autodesk subscription. If you’re not sure if you have access to Autodesk Drive, check your list of Products and Services in the Autodesk Account Management page.
What is the difference between A360 Drive and Autodesk Drive?
A360 Drive uses legacy technology that cannot be integrated with newer applications. Autodesk Drive uses up-to-date technology that allows us to develop powerful integrations with other Autodesk products and third-party applications.
As an administrator, can I grant or deny access to Autodesk Drive?
Yes. Autodesk Drive is an assignable benefit. For more information, see the Account Management Page.
Am I eligible for Autodesk Drive support?
Autodesk Drive support is available to you if you have a subscription, student account, or a maintenance plan.
What is the effect on A360 Team and A360 Personal products?
The retiring of A360 Drive is not affecting A360 Team or A360 Personal.
What is the effect on BIM Team or Fusion Team products?
The retiring of A360 Drive is not affecting BIM Team or Fusion Team.
What if files fail to migrate to Autodesk Drive?
Using the migration tool, files that fail to migrate will be listed in the "Recent Activity" tab of A360 Drive. If it has been 24 hours since your last migration you can retry the migration again. If those files fail to migrate again, you can download those files manually and upload them to Autodesk Drive.
What could cause files to fail when migrating to Autodesk Drive?
- Files that use illegal characters (/, \n, \r, \t, \0, \f, `, ?, *, \, <, >, |, \“, :) in the name. Please remove these characters from the file name and retry the migration.
- Folders that uses illegal characters (/, \n, \r, \t, \0, \f, `, ?, *, \, <, >, |, \“, :) in the name will cause all of the files in that folder to not migrate. Please remove these characters from the folder name and retry the migration.
- The migration tool is case-sensitive. Files that share the same name but are formatted differently will not be migrated to Autodesk Drive. Users will need to rename the file in A360 Drive to be unique and attempt the migration again. Example: FILE.txt and file.txt contained in the same A360 Drive folder will need to be renamed.
I have more questions, where can I go for more support?
We will update this page with additional questions or instructions as needed. You can also post a question in the A360 Drive forum. For product instructions, go to the Autodesk Drive help. If you are having a technical issue, you can submit a technical support case.
How to contact technical support:
- Go to
- Select the product you use with A360 Drive and Autodesk Drive.
- Complete the information and click Next. Several support options are available as well as links to helpful articles.