
Timeline Preferences


Default Timecode field

Sets the default start timecode value for new items overwritten or inserted into a timeline sequence.

Merge Tracks option

Select how a timeline will be flattened when merging tracks.

Select: To merge tracks by:
Simple Track Merge Hard committing all soft transitions. Cut points between elements are preserved; clip handles are not.
Complex Track Merge Hard committing soft transitions but creating separate elements with clip handles for each.
Committed Track Merge Preserving editable soft transitions and clip handles.

Auto Timewarp

Enable when performing a four-point edit if you do not want to timewarp the frames from the source clip. When disabled, a four-point edit is treated as a three-point edit.

When you specify the number of frames in the sequence clip for the four-point edit, the same number of frames is used in the source clip. The source clip selection begins at the in point. If the source is shorter or longer than the number of frames specified in the sequence clip, a timewarp is applied to the source clip in order to match the duration of the sequence clip.

Frame Rate Converter

Enable to format the source clip to the correct destination frame rate by applying a video timewarp to the source clip.

Snap Includes Marks

Enable to snap to in marks, out marks, and markers.

Snap With Positioner

Enable to snap segments to the positioner.

Display Phantom Marks

Enable to turn on phantom marks on the timeline and source clip. Phantom marks preview the result of a 4-point edit regardless of whether you have marks set.

Out Marks option

Select whether Out marks are inclusive or exclusive of the current frame.

Add Track option

When adding a new timeline track, select whether the track is added to the version on top of the last existing track, or to the track above the focus point.

Keep Focus After Editing

Enable to keep the timeline focus on the source after an editorial operation. Disable to switch the focus to the sequence.

Move Positioner on Paste

Enable to move the Positioner to the end of a timeline segment after pasting it. Disable to keep the Positioner in place.


Uncontain option

Select whether new tracks and versions are added or overwritten when a container segment is uncontained.

Contain Timewarped Edits

Enable to preserve the edits in a fit-to-fill four-point edit. The incoming clip is contained and a timewarp is applied to the container instead of the clip.

Connected Segments

Enable to share the segment colour between all connected segments. If there are multiple colours defined for the corresponding segments in multiple sequences, the colour defined for the longest segment is used.

Enable to share the segment tags between all connected segments.

Enable to share the segment visibility status between all connected segments. The visibility status is propagated after a Sync.

Copy Markers On Sync

Enable to copy Segments Markers to all connected segments after a Sync.

RGB & Matte Channels

Sharing option

Select if the RGB and Matte channels selection are applied to the current timeline segment, all shared sources, or all connected segments.

Conform Sources Merge

Threshold field

Sets the frames threshold used by the application to consider two segments as part of the same segment in a Sources Sequence. This calculation always considers the handles as expanded.

Segment Display

Handles option

Select an option for displaying heads and tails on segments in the timeline.

Show All Metadata

Enable to display expanded clip information on timeline segments. You may need to increase the size of the track to see the metadata.


Reset the Timeline Segment colours to their default values.

Frame Positioner option

Select whether to snap the timeline positioner frame-to-frame, or on a sub-frame basis (one-tenth of a frame).

Autoscroll field

Sets the speed at which the timeline scrolls when a clip is dragged to one of its edges.

Scroll During Playback

Enable to scroll the timeline during playback, keeping the frame positioner visible.

Scroll Past First Frame

Enable to allow the positioner to move before the first frame of a clip.

Source Timeline

Source Timeline option

Choose the display settings for the Source Timeline tab: 'Always Show' to keep it constantly visible, 'Can be Closed' to allow manual closing, 'Exclusive to Sequences' to display either the Source or Sequence tab at once, or 'Never Show' to keep it hidden at all times.

Open Sequences

Open Sequences Order option

Select whether the open sequences are displayed in the same order as in the Media Panel or using the custom order set in the Collapsed Reel view of the Timeline area.

Use Localised Sort Order

Enable to apply the same sorting order for Media panel clips to the open sequences tabs in the Timeline.


Duration field

Displays the default duration for transitions.

Transition Alignment option

Set the default alignment for transitions.

Curve Type option

Select bezier or linear as the default curve interpolation for dissolves.


Timeline Effects option

Select the render scan mode when a Timeline FX is added to a segment.

Timewarp option

Select the render scan mode when a Timewarp Timeline FX is added to a segment.

Transitions Render Mode option

Select the render scan mode when a transition is added to a sequence.

Timeline Effects Rendering option

Select whether to render an entire track first, then the next track (Track Based Render), or to render all tracks frame-by-frame (Frame Based Render).

Full Container Render

Enable to render all content in a container or matte container, to be used in Lustre, for example.

Include Handles

Enable to take the handles into account when rendering Timeline effects.

Infinity Handles field

Sets the handles limit of virtual segments. This value is set in frames.

Add Markers

Markers Dialog option

Select if the Rename Marker or Add Marker Comment dialog is shown when a new Marker is added.

Names and Comments

Default Shot Name Tokens option

Click to add tokens to the default shot naming convention. Repeat to add additional tokens.

Default Marker Name Tokens option

Click to add tokens to the default marker naming convention. Repeat to add additional tokens.

Default Marker Comment Tokens option

Click to add tokens to the default marker comments convention. Repeat to add additional tokens.

Default Segment Marker Name Tokens option

Click to add tokens to the default segment marker naming convention. Repeat to add additional tokens.

Default Segment Marker Comment Tokens option

Click to add tokens to the default segment marker comments convention. Repeat to add additional tokens.

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