The Annotation feature of InfoWater Pro allows you to annotate network elements with data values. Annotations can consist of any input or output data as provided in the InfoWater Pro project.
To create, edit, or delete an annotation, go to the Model Explorer, click on the Operation tab on the bottom, navigate to the Annotation group, and right-click on the Annotation and select New to create an annotation, or double-click on any existing annotation to modify.
Data Definition:
Source - Specify the annotation source. You may choose from either the input data (Database) or the Output (solution). Depending on your source and the element type chosen appropriate data will be displayed in the Available Data section of your Annotation Manager.
Time - For an EPS run, specify the simulation time to display. When annotating output data for an EPS run you must specify the time here.
Element Types - Specify the element type that you want to annotate. You may choose from junctions, pipes, pumps, valves, tanks and/or reservoirs.
Available Data - Depending on the Source and the Element Type selected, all the available data will be displayed in this section. Choose the data with which to annotate your model.
Text Attributes - Specify the text attributes.
Show Unit - Check this box if you want the unit displayed with your annotation. This option will be available only when you annotate your map with numeric values
Title - Specify the title that you want to display on your Map.
Label - Specify the Annotation labels.
Decimal - Choose the number of decimal places that you want to display on your map when annotating with numeric data.
Label Settings - Use these options to specify Label Settings.
Symbol -Choose the text font, style, size, and color.
Reset - Use this button to return to default label settings.
Placement -Choose your placement location of the text label.
Text Style Preview -This section displays the text preview. If you like the preview and want to see the annotations on your InfoWater Pro map, click Apply or OK at the bottom of your Annotation Manager.
Apply to Active Domain - Check this box to apply your annotation settings to the currently active domain only. A domain has to be presently active for this option to be available. Refer to the section on Domain Manager to learn more about the domain creation process.
OK - Click OK to save, apply, and close the Annotation Manager dialog box.
Cancel - Use the Cancel button to close out of your Annotation Manager without applying the changes.
Apply - Use Apply to apply your annotation settings to the map display.