
Batch Simulation Manager

The Batch Simulation Manager is used to run models for numerous user-selected scenarios in a single operation. This command is especially useful when several simulations are simultaneously required for a large model. With the Batch Simulation Manager, you can select the desired scenarios and run each model in a batch process. The Batch Simulation Manager is only available for standard simulations and not available for Fireflow, SCADA, (etc., model runs).

To activate the Batch Simulation Manager, from the InfoWater Model Explorer > Tools >Batch Simulation.

Active Scenario - Lists the active (currently loaded scenario) before starting the batch run process and the scenario currently being processed while the batch run is in progress.

Simulation Type - Indicates the type of simulation the Batch Run Manager will execute. Select from a standard hydraulic/water quality simulation, a multi-fireflow simulation or a SCADA simulation.

Error Handling Option - Indicates how the simulation will proceed should an error occur during simulation of one of the scenarios during a batch (multi-scenario) simulation run.

  • Continue Regardless of Errors - When an error or warning occurs during a simulation, it will open a window to indicate the error encountered and will continue to the next scenario to be processed.
  • Stop When Errors Occur - When an error or warning occurs during a simulation, it will open a window to indicate the error encountered and will immediately stop the batch run process.
  • Execution Order - Indicates the order the selected scenarios will be processed. The last scenario processed remains the active scenario (the scenario whose modeling data will be loaded and available in the open project and whose simulation results are immediately available).
  • Top Down - Processes the first scenario at the top of the list then moves down the list processing each scenario in turn. The last scenario at the bottom of the list remains the active scenario.
  • Bottom Up - Processes the last scenario at the bottom of the list then moves up the list processing each scenario in turn. The first scenario at the top of the list remains the active scenario.

Update Output Relate - If selected, any active output relates will be updated.

Scenario Selection - Lists all of the scenarios currently available in the open project including the default scenario BASE and all custom scenarios defined by the user. Only selected (highlighted) scenarios will be included in the batch run. To include scenarios in the batch run, click once on the scenario name with the mouse. That scenario becomes highlighted. To choose additional scenarios to add to the list, hold the shift key down while selecting the additional scenarios.

Run Mode - Used to control how the run is managed. Select from the following options from the drop-down menu:

  • Standard - This will cause the simulation to occur within the user interface. It is the fastest for quick runs, but the interface will be unresponsive until the simulation is complete.
  • Background - This option will run the simulation in the background of the local machine. This allows ongoing interaction with the model as the simulation is in progress.
  • Cloud - This option will send simulations to the cloud for remote computing. This allows heavy computing jobs to be handled in parallel without impacting local performance.
Note: The Simulation Task Manager provides an option to limit the number of concurrent simulations. A default value of 2 is assigned for local simulations, but a higher number is recommended when using the cloud.

Select All - Will select all scenarios in the list.

Clear All - Will clear all selected scenarios.

Move Up - Will change the execution order by moving the selected scenario up the list.

Move Down - Will change the execution order by moving the selected scenario down the list.

Run - Runs the Batch Simulation. The Run button is disabled until you choose at least two scenarios for inclusion in the batch run.

Close - Closes the Batch Simulation Manager.

After a batch simulation is run, the last scenario simulated will be available as the *active* Standard output source. Other scenarios simulated will be available and loaded as user-defined output sources identified by the scenario names, for example Future1.Standard and Future2.Standard. To review results associated with those scenarios, from the Output Report Manager, choose the desired output source from the All Output Sources box and select either graph or report.

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