
Import UDF Data

Imports hydrant data into the UDF database from any GIS feature class or table. The GIS dataset must have a field containing the same unique ID's as the UDF hydrant database. Enhanced data import has been added to the Import Hydrant Data function. The data import process checks for the unique ID of each hydrant and provides a list of duplicate or invalid IDs or hydrants with no ID assigned.

Access Import Hydrant Data through the More drop-down arrow.

Import UDF Data - Opens the dialog box below and provides access to import valve data such as pipe ID, street, owner, make depth, status, etc. These details can also be specified manually via the attribute browser. Select from one of the following options: Hydrant, Valve, or Pipe. 


The source data is contained in the hydrant layer attribute table. Data fields can be appended via ESRI functions such as Append Field in the Options menu of the Attribute Table. Information can be populated via the Calculate Values option or by hand, etc. For additional information on these features, visit the ArcGIS Pro help menu.  

You can select the Hydrant option from the Import UDF Data drop-down menu to open up the following Import UDF Data - Hydrant dialog box.

Data Source

Data Source - The name of the GIS dataset information with which information will be exchanged.

Select Data Source - Opens the ArcGIS Pro data browser. Use this to search for GIS datasets.

Path - The location of GIS dataset information on the local drive or network.

Update Mode

Add New - Information will only be exchanged with ID's not existing in the UDF database. This method only adds new features. New features are given the ID specified by the ID Field. No changes are made to the existing features in the UDF database.

Update Existing - Information will only be exchanged with ID's existing in the UDF database. This method only updates information of features in the UDF database. Data will only be exchanged between ID's contained in both the UDF database and the GIS dataset. No new features are added to the UDF database.

ID Field

ID Field - The field in the GIS dataset containing unique ID's. Select the name of the unique ID field using the drop-down selection box.

Source Data Fields

Source Data Fields - All fields in the GIS dataset are listed in this box.

Remove - Removes the selected field from the Data Field column of the UDF / Source Mapping Fields box.

Add - Adds the field currently highlighted in the Source Data Fields box to the row currently highlighted in the UDF / Source Mapping Fields box.

Auto Map - Maps all identical fields from the Source Data Fields box to the UDF / Source Mapping Fields box.

Remove All - Removes all mapped fields from the Data Field column of the UDF / Source Mapping Fields box.

UDF/Source Field Mapping

UDF/Source Field Mapping - All InfoWater UDF fields (except the ID Field) are listed in this box.  The buttons to define the field mapping between the databases (i.e., which field in the GIS dataset corresponds to which field in the UDF database).

Import - Imports the mapped fields from the specified GIS dataset into the UDF database.

Close - Closes the dialog box.

Import Valve Data - Opens the dialog box below and provides access to import valve data such as pipe ID, street, owner, make depth, status, etc. These details can also be specified manually via the attribute browser. 

You can select the Valve option from the Import UDF Data drop-down menu to open up the following Import UDF Data - Valve dialog box.


As with the hydrant layer, the source data is contained in the valve layer attribute table. Data fields can be appended via ESRI functions such as Append Field in the Options menu of the Attribute Table. Information can be populated via the Calculate Values option or by hand, etc. For additional information on these features, visit the ArcGIS Pro help menu.   

Data Source

Data Source - The name of the GIS dataset information with which information will be exchanged.

Select Data Source - Opens the ArcGIS Pro data browser. Use this to search for GIS datasets.


Path - The location of GIS dataset information on the local drive or network.

Update Mode

Add New - Information will only be exchanged with ID's not existing in the UDF database. This method only adds new features. New features are given the ID specified by the ID Field. No changes are made to the existing features in the UDF database.

Update Existing - Information will only be exchanged with ID's existing in the UDF database. This method only updates information of features in the UDF database. Data will only be exchanged between ID's contained in both the UDF database and the GIS dataset. No new features are added to the UDF database.

ID Field

ID Field - The field in the GIS dataset containing unique ID's. Select the name of the unique ID field using the drop-down selection box.

Source Data Fields

Source Data Fields - All fields in the GIS dataset are listed in this box.

Remove - Removes the selected field from the Data Field column of the UDF / Source Mapping Fields box.

Add - Adds the field currently highlighted in the Source Data Fields box to the row currently highlighted in the UDF / Source Mapping Fields box.

Auto Map - Maps all identical fields from the Source Data Fields box to the UDF / Source Mapping Fields box.

Remove All - Removes all mapped fields from the Data Field column of the UDF / Source Mapping Fields box.

UDF/Source Field Mapping

UDF/Source Field Mapping - All InfoWater UDF fields (except the ID Field) are listed in this box. The  buttons to define the field mapping between the databases (i.e., which field in the GIS dataset corresponds to which field in the UDF database).

Import - Imports the mapped fields from the specified GIS dataset into the UDF database.

Close - Closes the dialog box.

Import Pipe Data -  Opens the dialog box below and provides access to import pipe data such as pipe ID, street, owner, make depth, status, etc. These details can also be specified manually via the attribute browser. (Note that these are distribution system pipes and not hydrant laterals.) 

You can select the Pipe option from the Import UDF Data drop-down menu to open up the following Import UDF Data - Pipe dialog box.


Like the hydrant and valve layers, the source data is contained in the pipe layer attribute table. Data fields can be appended via ESRI functions, such as Append Field in the Options menu of the Attribute Table. Information can be populated via the Calculate Values option or by hand, etc. For additional information on these features, visit the ArcGIS Pro help menu.   

Update Mode

Add New - Information will only be exchanged with ID's not existing in the UDF database. This method only adds new features. New features are given the ID specified by the ID Field. No changes are made to the existing features in the UDF database.

Update Existing - Information will only be exchanged with ID's existing in the UDF database. This method only updates information of features in the UDF database. Data will only be exchanged between ID's contained in both the UDF database and the GIS dataset. No new features are added to the UDF database.

ID Field

ID Field - The field in the GIS dataset containing unique ID's. Select the name of the unique ID field using the drop-down selection box.

Source Data Fields

Source Data Fields - All fields in the GIS dataset are listed in this box.

Remove - Removes the selected field from the Data Field column of the UDF / Source Mapping Fields box.

Add - Adds the field currently highlighted in the Source Data Fields box to the row currently highlighted in the UDF / Source Mapping Fields box.

Auto Map - Maps all identical fields from the Source Data Fields box to the UDF / Source Mapping Fields box.

Remove All - Removes all mapped fields from the Data Field column of the UDF / Source Mapping Fields box.

UDF/Source Field Mapping

UDF/Source Field Mapping - All InfoWater UDF fields (except the ID Field) are listed in this box.  The  buttons to define the field mapping between the databases (i.e., which field in the GIS dataset corresponds to which field in the UDF database).

Import - Imports the mapped fields from the specified GIS dataset into the UDF database.

Close - Closes the dialog box.

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