The Polygon Layer Registration dialog box is used to register new layers.
Only layers which have been imported into the current InfoWater Pro project can be registered. This dialog box can be launched using the Register Polygon Layer icon.
Active Polygon Layer - Displays the current active polygon layer. To make another layer active, select the desired layer in the Polygon Layer Registration dialog box and click on the Make Active button.
Polygon Layers:
0:Primary Layer - InfoWater Pro Allocator considers the demand area polygons as the Primary polygon coverage.
1:Secondary Layer - The demand classes/classifications layer is represented as a Secondary polygon.
2:Intersected Layer - Intersected Layers refer to prior intersected demand area polygon with a land base or other demand class/classification polygon boundary. This means that consumption data is already integrated with demographic information.
Make Active - Use this Make Active button to make the selected layer active.
New - Make a new polygon layer or register an imported polygon layer. By clicking on the New button on the Polygon Layer Registration dialog box, the Register a Polygon Layer dialog box is displayed.
Unregister - Removes a registered layer from the InfoWater Pro Allocator project.
Clear All - Removes all the layers registered with InfoWater Pro Allocator project.
Close/Cancel - Close the dialog box.
Register a Polygon Layer
The Register a Polygon Layer dialog box is used to register polygon layers. Layers must first be registered with InfoWater Pro Allocator before a demand allocation can take place.
Polygon Layers
0:Primary Layer - InfoWater Pro Allocator considers the demand area polygons as the Primary polygon coverage.
1:Secondary Layer - The demand classes/classifications layer is represented as a Secondary polygon.
2:Intersected Layer - Intersected Layers refer to prior intersected demand area polygon with a land base or other demand class/classification polygon boundary. This means that consumption data is already integrated with demographic information.
Registration Details
Select whether you are creating a new polygon coverage or registering an existing polygon coverage.
Create New Polygon Layer - Depending on the type specified (0:Primary, etc.), you will need to create and identify the field that will store the attribute data. This is done with either the Junction ID Field or the Usage ID Field. After clicking on the OK button, specify the name and location of the new layer.
Attach an Existing Polygon Layer - If this option is selected, only those layers that have been imported into the InfoWater Pro project will be displayed in the associated drop down box.
Once a layer has been registered, you are now able to either modify the polygon coverage or begin the allocation process.
Junction Linkage (ID) Field
Refers to the junction node ID fields in the 0:Primary polygon coverage. Select an existing attribute field in the existing demand area polygon coverage where the junction ID is mapped or specify a new attribute field to assign the junction node ID to the polygon coverage.
Usage Type (ID) Field
Refers to the field in the 1:Secondary coverage representing the land usage classification. Select an existing attribute field in the existing class/classification layer or specify a new attribute field to assign the classification type to the polygon coverage.
OK - Save and exit the Current dialog box.
Cancel - Close the dialog box.