
Reference Graph

The Output Report Manager offers two comparison tools: a comparison report and a comparison graph. You may display a report or graph showing simulation results for the *active* (currently loaded) scenario, and then use a previously loaded output source storing results from a simulation run for a previously loaded scenario.

Output Report Manager - Comparison Reports

In order to compare tabular data from two sources, first create the appropriate output source in which a comparison is to be made. Once this is done, click on the compare report icon to compare any output source with the current *active* report being viewed.

As an example of a comparison report, the illustration below shows result fields from the *active* scenario with the output source BASE.Standard. Notice that the *active* scenario is not preceded with the output source name.

Output Report Manager – Reference Graphs

The Reference Graph function allows the simultaneous display of data from other sources concurrently with the current graph display. Data can be displayed from various sources including other elements within the same data source as well as solution data from other scenarios, real-time data and data imported from an external text file.

Reference Sources Tab

    • Data From Other Output Source(s) - Use this option to add the same category data curve from other scenarios if available. Use the Select button to open the selection dialog box. 
    • External Graph Data File - Use this option to add a data curve from external file. Use the Browse button to locate the external file. The external file must be in text format consisting of two columns of numeric data. Column 1 represents the X data and column 2 represents the Y data on the graph. The file extension must be .dat.
    • Real-Time Data - Use this option to add real-time data which is linked to the current element if available. Use the Settings button to open the Real-Time Data Connection dialog box. The Real-Time Data Connection allows you to associate and display recorded data from a data logger or a SCADA file. During an EPS simulation, you can compare a set of recorded data against the simulated data. This feature is especially helpful during the calibration of a model.

In order to compare graphs from two sources, first create the appropriate output source in which a comparison is to be made. Once this is done, click on the compare graph icon to compare any output source with the current *active* graph being viewed.

As an example of a comparison graph, the illustration below shows values from the *active* scenario compared with the Active.SCADA output source.

Other Data Sources

Reference Option

    • None - Disables all reference graph settings.
    • Quick Mix Graph - The Quick Mixed Graph will add only one data source to main chart on the current graph. Use the data source options below to choose a data source. The data source will have a separate y-axis on the right side of main chart.
    • Quick Multiple Graph Axes - The Quick Multiple Graph Axes option will add other categories data for the current element. Each category data has its own y-axis on the right side of the main chart. Use the selection box to choose the number of axes to display.
    • Quick Multiple Graph Panels - Similar to the above but all additional categories will be shown as a separate chart. Use the selection box to choose the number of axes to display.
    • Reverse Layout - The Reverse Layout function can be applied to the Quick Multiple Graph Panels and to the Advanced (User Defined) graphs. The Reverse Layout function will place the main chart on the bottom of the graph and reverse the other graphs’ y-axes.
    • Advanced (User Defined) - The Advanced option allows you to add a data source from other elements. There are three options for added elements:
  1. Main Axis - The Main Axis will share the y-axis with the current main element.
  2. Reference Axis - The Reference Axis will have its own y-axis on the right side of the main chart.
  3. Reference Panel - The Reference Panel will be shown in a separate chart.

Data Source

    • Active Graph Data - Select the active graph as the current data source.
    • Automatic Category - Displays all available variables for the current data element selected.
    • Graph Data of Another Element - Select graph data from a different data element as the data source.
    • Reference Element Type - Select the data element type from the pull-down menu.
    • Reference Element ID - Enter the element ID or use the Browse button to select the element ID from the map view.

Steps to Develop Comparison Reports and Graphs

The following steps illustrate how to develop a comparison report or graph. These steps assume two or more scenarios have been developed and have successful runs (this means more than one output source is available).

  1. Develop and Run Scenarios.
  2. Develop the first scenario, and then activate that scenario. For this illustration, this scenario will be named “FUTURE1”, representing future conditions.
  3. Run a simulation for the “FUTURE1” scenario using the Run Manager. Simulation results are stored in the *active* output source and are immediately available for evaluation.
  4. Develop the second scenario, and then activate the second scenario. For this illustration, this second scenario will be named “EXISTING”, representing existing conditions. After loading the “EXISTING” scenario, simulation results for the “FUTURE1” scenario are moved from the *active* output source to a new output source named “FUTURE1”.
  5. Now run the second, recently activated scenario named “EXISTING”. Simulation results are stored in the *active* output source, replacing simulation results from the previously-loaded scenario, and are now available for evaluation.

Develop a Comparison Graph

  1. Open the Output Report Manager.
  2. Click New on the Output Report Manager window. The Output Report and Graph dialog box appears on the screen.
  3. Choose the *Active*:Standard output source (storing simulation results for the currently loaded “EXISTING” scenario), choose the Graph tab and the choose the junction node option. Once selected, click OK.
  4. Pick a junction node from the network map. A graph is displayed showing simulation results from the currently loaded “EXISTING” scenario for the selected junction node.
  5. Choose the Compare Graph icon to overlay results from the desired output source. The Select Output Source(s) to Compare dialog box appears on the screen.
  6. Click once on the FUTURE1:Standard output source and then click OK. The graph on the Output Report Manager should now show results for the currently-loaded scenario (“EXISTING”, referred to as *Current* on the graph legend) and the previously-loaded “FUTURE1” scenario.
  7. The graph can now be customized using any of the available graph customization tools.

Follow the same steps shown above to develop and customize a comparison report.

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