
The UDF Attribute Browser


Properties of a hydrant selected with the UDF Selection tool () will be displayed in the UDF Attribute Browser.  

Information shown in bold (but not underlined) is required for UDF analysis, other fields are for information only - for assisting the user in understanding the system.

InfoWater UDF assumes that only one nozzle is open during the flush sequence. The Emitter coefficient should reflect the flow nozzle size.  

Fields contained in the Attribute Browser when a Hydrant is selected are detailed below:

Hydrant Toolbar

UDF Selection Tool 

Use this  tool is to select any UDF feature (hydrant, valve, pipe) on the map.  After selecting the feature, information about it will be displayed in the UDF Attribute Browser.

Zoom to Feature

Click to zoom to a view of the feature currently detailed in the attribute browser.

Save Changes

Click to save any changes made within attribute browser. Changes are automatically saved if the InfoWater preference "Auto-Record Saving" is checked on.  Please refer to the InfoWater helpfile for more information on preferences.

InfoWater Pro UDF Help

Click to open InfoWater Pro UDF Help file.

Select Associated Pipe

Use this tool to graphically assign an associated pipe to a hydrant or valve. Click on this button, and then select a pipe and the new PIPE ID is seen in the Attribute Browser.

(ID), Unique Identifier

The unique identifier of the Hydrant.


Shows information about the currently selected hydrant for all fields in the UDF Hydrant Information Database Tables. This information can be hidden by un-selecting the check box ().

Type - Defines the hydrant as a fire hydrant or blowoff.

Can Be Flushed - For user information; aids in determining flush schemes.

If the "Can Be Flushed" field of a hydrant or the "Available for UDF" field of a valve is marked as "No", a warning message is issued noting that the element is inoperable or not available for UDF.

Pipe ID - The ID of the pipe from which the hydrant receives water.

Emitter Coefficient - The emitter coefficient of the hydrant nozzle.

Elevation - The elevation of the hydrant. If blank, the elevation will be interpolated from the nodes connected to the associated pipe.

Lateral Length - The length of the lateral pipe connecting the hydrant to the associated system pipe.

Lateral Diameter - The diameter of the lateral pipe.

Lateral Roughness - The roughness of the lateral pipe.

Lateral Minor Loss - The minor loss in the lateral pipe due to bends, reducers, etc.

Street - The street where the hydrant is located.

Owner - Specifies if the hydrant is publicly or privately owned.

Make - The manufacturing company of the hydrant.

Model - A model of the hydrant.

No. of 2.5 in. Nozzle - The number of 2.5" nozzles on the hydrant.

No. of 4 in. Nozzle - The number of 4" nozzles on the hydrant.

Nozzle Size - Specify any nozzle size on the hydrant.

No. of Nozzle - The number of [Nozzle Size] nozzles on the hydrant.

Isolation Valve - Specify if the lateral contains a valve.


Shows information about the currently selected hydrant for all fields in the UDF Hydrant Inspection Database Tables.  This information can be hidden by un-selecting the check box ().

Inspection Date - The most recent date the hydrant was inspected.

Inspection Time - The time the hydrant was inspected.

Operation Status - Defines the operational status of the hydrant.

Access Status - Details the accessibility of the hydrant.

Isolation Valve Status - Defines the operational status of the valve.

Observation - Enter any additional information here.

UDF Message Board

Gives information about the currently selected cell in the UDF attribute Browser.


Properties of a valve selected with the UDF Selection tool () will be displayed in the UDF Attribute Browser.

Information shown in bold (but not underlined) is required for UDF analysis, other fields are for information only - for assisting the user in understanding the system.

InfoWater UDF assumes that all valves are opened unless specified as closed within the flush sequence manager.  

Fields contained in the Attribute Browser when a Valve is selected are detailed below:

Valve Toolbar

UDF Selection Tool

Use this  tool is to select any UDF feature (hydrant, valve, pipe) on the map.  After selecting the feature, information about it will be displayed in the UDF Attribute Browser.

Zoom to Feature

Click to zoom to a view of the feature currently detailed in the attribute browser.

Save Changes

Click to save any changes made within attribute browser. Changes are automatically saved if the InfoWater Pro preference "Auto-Record Saving" is checked on.  Please refer to the InfoWater Pro helpfile for more information on preferences.

InfoWater UDF Help

Click to open InfoWater Pro UDF Help file.

Select Associated Pipe

Use this tool to graphically assign an associated pipe to a hydrant or valve.  Press the button, then select a pipe and the new PIPE ID is seen in the attribute browser.

(ID), Unique Identifier

The unique identifier of the Valve.


Shows information about the currently selected pipe for all fields in the UDF Pipe Information Database Tables.  This information can be hidden by un-selecting the check box ().

Description - A general description of the Valve.

Tag - A user defined Tag.

Type - Defines the valve as open or closed - for information only.

Available for UDF - For user information, aids in determining flush schemes.

If the "Can Be Flushed" field of a hydrant or the "Available for UDF" field of a valve is marked as "No", a warning message is issued noting that the element is inoperable or not available for UDF.

Pipe ID - The ID of the pipe on which the valve is located.

Street - The street where the valve is located.

Owner - Specifies if the valve is publicly or privately owned.

Make - The manufacturing company of the valve.

Model - A model of the valve.

Depth - Defines the depth of the valve below the surface.

Turns - The number turns required to open or close the valve.

Open Direction - Specify the direction the valve turns when opening.


Shows information about the currently selected valve for all fields in the UDF Valve Inspection Database Tables.  This information can be hidden by un-selecting the check box ().

Inspection Date - The most recent date the valve was inspected.

Inspection Time - The time the valve was inspected.

Operation Status - Defines the operational status of the valve.

Access Status - Details the accessibility of the valve.

Observation - Enter any additional information here.

UDF Message Board

Gives information about the currently selected cell in the UDF attribute Browser.

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