There is only a 64-version of the InfoWorks Workgroup Server available. If you are connecting to Oracle it requires the 64-bit version of the Oracle client. For SQL Server connectivity it requires the 64-bit Native Client.
The Windows version of the Workgroup Server can be installed by running the setup program. This setup will install a Windows service. Once installed the Workgroup Server will need configuring and the service started before use.
When the Workgroup Server starts up, it will send logging information to the Windows Application Event Log, confirming the configuration options that are in force. The source for Data Server events will appear as “SNumbat”. It is good practice to review the Event log entries whenever the Workgroup Server is restarted, to verify that the expected configuration options have been applied.
If a firewall is in use on the server it must be configured to allow inbound TCP traffic on the chosen ports to the Workgroup Server service.
For example, to configure the Windows firewall to allow connection to the default ports from anywhere the following PowerShell command could be used:
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Innovyze Workgroup Data Server" -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 40000,40010 -Protocol TCP -Action Allow