
Solver Enhancements for 2025

The following enhancements to the analysis solvers provide you with better solutions and improved accuracy.

Improved Warpage Accuracy for Dual Domain Analyses

In Dual Domain analyses, multipoint constraints keep the deformation on the top and bottom surfaces consistent. The accuracy of Warp analyses using Dual Domain mesh technology depends on these multipoint constraint equations. In the new release, the multipoint constraint equations have been improved by correcting the interpolation relationship of transverse displacement. This change may bring minor result changes in all Dual Domain Warp cases.

Improved Temperature Calculation for 3D Flow Analyses

The onset of 3D Flow temperature calculation at a node is adjusted in the Moldflow 2025 release to better match the flow front arrival at the node. The impact of this adjustment is most noticeable for models with large thickness variations, where you may see a reduction in potential excessive temperature drop for the calculated temperature. For some models, this change will result in lower predicted injection pressure, and a narrower range of predicted flow front temperatures compared with prior Moldflow releases. In general, the narrower range of predicted flow front temperatures will be in closer agreement with predictions from Dual Domain Flow analyses.

Improved Flow Rate Calculation for Dual Domain Flow analyses

The Dual Domain Flow solver has been enhanced in the Moldflow 2025 release to better simulate the flow rate ramping-up at the start of injection. This enhancement only impacts models with a hot runner volume greater than 25% of the volume to be filled.

Automatic packing is the default option for pack/holding control for some thermoplastics molding processes

Automatic packing is the default option for packing profile. With this option, the solver determines the duration and the magnitude of the packing pressure automatically to ensure that packing does not end before the gate is frozen and that a reasonable packing pressure level is used. The automatic packing profile may not necessarily be the optimum profile.

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