
Importing a model from MPA 7.3 or earlier

MPA version 7.3 and earlier uses a different file format than later versions.

To open a model used in MPA version 7.3 or earlier, it must be imported into a project.

This procedure still retains the model geometry, runners and cooling lines, and the results generated in the earlier version.

Note: Changing the analysis settings of a study invalidates the existing results. Some analysis sequence combinations supported in *.ADV format are no longer supported in Autodesk Moldflow Adviser; therefore, some results may not be imported.
  1. Open an existing project or create a new project.
  2. Click (Home tab > Import panel > Import), or right-click in the Project View pane and select Import.
  3. Click Browse to locate your file.
  4. Select Legacy MPA files (*.adv, mpa, mda) from the Files of type drop-down list.
  5. Navigate to the folder where the legacy MPA model is located, and select it.
  6. Click Open.
  7. Click Next on each page, and then click Finish on the final page.
  8. Click OK.

The model appears in the Project View pane.

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