User interface and workflow enhancements
A great deal of effort has gone into improving the user interface and workflow for this release based on feedback from you, our customers.
Each year we send out surveys, release beta builds and encourage you to tell us about your experience so we can make it more enjoyable. We encourage you to let us know, via social media, product forums, surveys or support how we can help make your experience even better.
Photorealistic rendering
Autodesk Showcase is no longer supported, but the workflow to export your model and selected results, so you can see a photorealistic rendering of your digital prototype, has not changed. To export your model for defect visualization, ensure your analysis is complete and you have results available.
Click (Results tab > Export and Publish panel > Defect Visualization) to save the file in .fbx format, then import the file into Autodesk VRED.
Defect Visualization provides the advantage over FBX export that, after you select the geometry and the mesh elements of interest and click Apply, the mesh elements are mapped onto the model to provide a smoother and more photorealistic rendering. However, this operation is time and memory intensive, and may consume a significant amount of memory.