Session Keys
Session keys are license tokens that permit you to run a Moldflow solve as a Named User. You can run a solver on the command line with a session key or session key file.
Note Keep your session key private to ensure you have access to the solvers when you need them. There is a solver concurrency limit that is tied to your session key.
This table lists the session key arguments that can be used with any solver:
Argument | Description |
-key session_key | to specify a session key. The session key is in the form of a global unique identifier. [xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx] |
-kfile session_key_file | to specify a session key file. Replace session_key_file by the path of the session key file. |
Note: To use a session key file on a Linux platform, the session key file must use the Linux style carriage return [CR] feed format.