
Applies to 2025.0 Update and later


What's new in 2025.0

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  • New and updated features for this release are marked with in the online help. Also, use the search term "2025.0" to find the help topics that correspond to the changes and new features.
  • LPBF process simulation with Simulation Utility, Advanced Toolpath Utility, and Lua scripting are now available under the Netfabb Premium subscription, no longer exclusive to the Ultimate subscription.
  • Read on below for a selection of highlights of this release. For more details on changes, fixes, and known issues, refer to the Release notes section of the online help.
  • Find the download of the new version in your Autodesk Account at or through the Autodesk Desktop App.
  • Important: This is a major release. If you have been running Netfabb and/or Local Simulation on a network license, you must perform additional updates when updating to 2025.0:

    Refer to this article in the Netfabb installation supplement help for more details.



  1. Machine workspaces

    • The dockable My machines library view now provides Edit and Delete functionality.
    • With Formlabs Fuse 1+ 30 W, HP Jet Fusion 5000, NPPower Malachite, and SLM Solutions SLM®NXG XII 600E, and the Autodesk Generic SLA/DLP with generic 3MF export, the range of supported machine models is once again increased.
    • In the Formlabs Fuse workspace, new controls address material-based scaling and help with managing parts inside and outside the build volume.

      Instantly select parts inside or partly or fully outside the buildroom for copying or moving to a separate workspace, or have parts outright excluded from the buildfile export.

  2. Part arrangement

    • Part duplication may now optionally place parts with a given distance between their surfaces rather than just their bounding boxes or their bounding box origins.

      Here, the original (on the far left) was duplicated with 2 mm spacing in X.

  3. Supports

    • Bar grouping and generation of local base plates is now available for more than just the Bars on areas action (previously Area with bar support).
    • Speaking of which: Naming of support actions has been updated and streamlined.
    • Cluster detection is now aware of face group names. Use this to target or exclude through text matching.
    • Complementing this awareness; the support editor now shows the part's actual colors when the cluster detection on the Analysis tab is switched off.
    • Supporting a series of already existing parts with individual parameter variants is now possible. This uses a text match against the parts' names to assign the right variant. For example, use this during development of support scripts: With individually labeled test parts, identifying the associated parameter variant becomes trivial in finding support parameter combinations that are "just right" for your process. Tutorial: Parametrized supporting of existing parts
    • Support actions now have a color field to set the display color of the supports generated by them. This makes telling them apart in the 3D view easier.

    Demonstrating new color awareness of the support editor: Part colors visible when cluster detection is switched off, individual display colors for support action results, and cluster detection filtered by face group

  4. Texture and color

    • Face groups have received particular attention for 2025.0: They are now easier to define, edit, and manage. This includes selecting and working on multiple face groups at once, and naming and recoloring them. They also come into use during supporting parts: As mentioned under Supports, cluster detection can now set directly to exclusively target or avoid face groups. This does away with having to use a dozen parameters to intricately define support actions that are sufficiently "picky" for surfaces of choice. Simply color the surfaces in question, assign face groups, and use the two parameters pertaining to face group names during supporting.
  5. User interface

    • In addition to the current drag&drop function in the project tree, a new dialog, accessed through a part's context menu (Copy selection to workspace), facilitates copying the current selection to another platform present in the current project.

      Context menu command (left) and dialog (right)

      This comes in particularly handy when part selection comes out of commands like Select by property or the new Select commands added to the Formlabs Fuse workspaces.

    • With a new menu command, deleting custom parts that are no longer needed in the part library has become easier than having to delete the part definition through the file system.
    • All of the four quick actions from the Move menu are now available through the main menu as well. Not only does that keep the context view free from the Move inputs, this change makes all four options available for adding to a custom menu.
    • A parameter was added to the settings, General > Translation stepping, keyboard, to make the interval for moving a part using keyboard shortcuts adjustable.

Local Simulation

Local Simulation has received a series of cards, prominently featuring increased temperature and time control for DED simulations, among others. For full list of cards added refer to the release notes and the search results for "2025.0".


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