Section Dimensions dialog box

Control the area and scale of placed and selected sections, and the location of placed sections for lofts.


On the ribbon, click 3D Model tab Create panel Loft . Then double-click an existing point created by the Area Loft command, or right-click the point created by Area Loft, and click Edit.

Section Position

Specifies the position of the placed section. After initial section placement, you can control the position only by editing the value in the dialog box.

Proportional Distance Dimensions are relative along the length of the centerline. Section placement is relative to the length of centerline.

Absolute Distance Places Dimensions along the absolute distance of the centerline. For example, if the centerline is 16 inches, you can place a dimension half way (8 inches).

Driving Section

Controls section position and size.

Driven Section

Provide feedback on section size, without altering the area loft. Driven Sections control only section position.

Section Size

Area Scales section to match specified area value. Dimensions are relative along the length of the centerline.

Scale Factor Scales section to match specified scale factor.