An object defaults style is a collection of all annotation types and their default settings. In this exercise, you create a custom object default style. Then you set the object defaults for dimension objects.
- Expand the Object Defaults node and select Object Defaults (ISO).
- Click New, and in Name, enter Modified Object Defaults (ISO), and click OK.
Note: The Modified Object Defaults (ISO) style is automatically set as the current object defaults style for the current standard.
- In the Object Defaults Style panel, set the filter to Dimension Objects.
- Change the Object Style for all dimension types that use the Default (ISO) to Modified (ISO), as shown in the following image.
- Click Save and Done.
Newly created dimensions will use the Modified (ISO) dimension style.
- To update existing dimensions, select the dimensions in the graphic window. Then on the Annotate tab
Format panel
Style list, select Modified (ISO).
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