Set Object Defaults

An object defaults style is a collection of all annotation types and their default settings. In this exercise, you create a custom object default style. Then you set the object defaults for dimension objects.

  1. Expand the Object Defaults node and select Object Defaults (ISO).
  2. Click New, and in Name, enter Modified Object Defaults (ISO), and click OK.
    Note: The Modified Object Defaults (ISO) style is automatically set as the current object defaults style for the current standard.
  3. In the Object Defaults Style panel, set the filter to Dimension Objects.
  4. Change the Object Style for all dimension types that use the Default (ISO) to Modified (ISO), as shown in the following image.

  5. Click Save and Done.

    Newly created dimensions will use the Modified (ISO) dimension style.

  6. To update existing dimensions, select the dimensions in the graphic window. Then on the Annotate tab Format panel Style list, select Modified (ISO).

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