Modifies formatting and options of a hole table. Overrides settings specified by the current hole table style.
Access: |
Right-click a hole table and select Edit Hole Table. |
Changes attributes for hole table formatting. |
Title |
Edits the table title. |
Text Style |
Specifies which text style formats the title, column header, and data text. Click the arrow to select a text style from the list. |
Heading |
Selects heading position in the hole table. Click arrow to select Top, Bottom, or No Heading. Unlike the parts list dialog box, No Heading does not remove column headers from the table. |
Line Format |
Click Outside or Inside to specify the lines to format with Line Weight and Color. Line Weight. Click the arrow to select a different line weight. Values originate with preset values for line weight on the Standard style. Color opens the Color dialog box which controls the color of inner and outer lines of the hole table. |
Column Settings |
Property shows the selected columns that appear in the hole table. Right-click to open the Column Chooser or Format Column dialog boxes. Column edits the column header names. Width sets the width of the hole table columns. Enter a specific width for each column or click and drag to resize after the hole table is created. |
Row Merge Options modifies settings for merging hole table rows. |
None |
Preserves legacy hole table formatting. Reformat Table on Custom Hole Match reindexes the hole tags and resorts contents when a Match Custom Hole operation is done. Numbering replaces the alphanumeric hole tags with sequential numbering of the holes in the hole table. |
Rollup |
Combines the hole note cells for the holes of the same type in the hole table. Only the first hole in a series is still listed in the table. The rolled-up cell adopts the formatting of the first row (hole) in the series. Delete Tags on Rollup Except for the first in a series of hole tags, deletes tags from the associative view. Clear the check box to preserve tags. Secondary Tag Modifier on Rollup causes all hole tags in the table and view to include the secondary numerator. Clear the check box to drop the secondary modifier. For example, A1, A2 and B1 become A, A, and B. |
Combine Notes |
Combines hole note cells for the holes of the same type in the selected hole table. Reformat Table on Custom Hole Match reindexes the hole tags and resorts contents when a Match Custom Hole operation is done. Numbering replaces the alphanumeric hole tags with sequential numbering of the holes in the hole table. |
Hole Tag Options changes settings for formatting hole tags. |
Preserve Tagging causes permanent hole identifiers for each hole tagged when the table is first placed. Clear the check box to respecify holes when holes are added or deleted from the model). Tagging is preserved only with respect to changes to the model, such as when you add, delete, suppress or unsuppress hole features. Manual changes to the hole table, such as when you resort, change tag order, and filter hole types, are not affected. Use Leader generates a leader for any hole tag dragged away from the hole with which it is associated. Clear the check box to hide the leader of hole tags dragged away from an associated hole. |
Tag Order sets tag order of holes in a hole chart. Existing hole tables are not affected by these settings. |
Arrange by Position tags holes relative to their position on the selected view. Position is arranged with YDIM as the primary key and XDIM as secondary key. If YDIM and XDIM are equal, hole size is the tertiary sorting key, smallest to largest. Arrange by Size tags holes in order by size (smallest to largest). Size refers to the drill diameter (HDIA) parameter for drilled, counterbored, and countersunk holes. The tap drill diameter (TDDIA) is used for threaded holes. If holes are of equal size, holes are sorted by position. Group Hole Types must be unselected. Holes added from a center mark are added to the end of the list. Group Hole Types tags holes by hole type and then by choice of size or position. Existing hole tables are not affected by these settings. The group order is: |
Drilled holes includes extruded cut circles and circular voids.
Threaded holes
Counterbored holes and Countersunk holes. If a counterbored or countersunk hole is tapped, the tapped designation is disregarded for grouping.
Center marks |
View Filters sets features and hole types to include in a view-based hole table. Existing hole tables are not affected by these settings. |
Included Features selects features to include or exclude in view-based hole tables. Select a check box to include hole features, circular cuts, and center marks or clear the check box to exclude them.
Included Hole Types selects hole types to include or exclude in view-based hole tables. Select a check box to include drilled, counterbored, countersunk, or threaded holes. Clear a check box to exclude the hole type from views. Not available if hole features are excluded from view hole tables.