Placing an Insert

In this section, you place an existing insert into the mold assembly by using the Place Insert command.

  1. On the Quick Access toolbar, click Design View > Assembly Orientation. The Quick Access toolbar is located along the top of the Inventor window. The assembly is automatically reoriented to this view.
Note: If you reorient the model, the Assembly Orientation view automatically updates with your display changes, such as rotation, zoom, and component visibility. To return to the previous view, press F5 on your keyboard. Remember that a limited number of previous views are stored.
  1. On the ribbon, click Core/Cavity tab > Insert panel > Place Insert.
  2. From the Place Insert dialog box, select Insert_M3128.ipt and click Open.
  3. Left-click your mouse to place the insert.
  4. Click Return to close the assembly window.
  5. Click OK on the File Naming dialog box to accept the defaults and generate the insert.
  6. Position the insert as shown in the following image.
    Note: If the model appears opaque, click the View drop down on the ribbon and select Default.
  7. On the Model browser, ensure that the visibility of the following components is turned off:
    • Mold Top_Top_WP:1
    • Mold Top_Top_CR:1
    • Mold Top_Top_CV:1
  8. Ensure the visibility of Mold Top_Top_MP:1 is turned on.

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