Mirror the Punched Holes

To complete the folded model of your guard, mirror the three punched holes to the face on the opposite side. The Mirror functionality requires a plane to mirror across, and due to the steps used to construct this part, you cannot simply use one of the origin planes.

  1. On the ribbon, click Sheet Metal tab Work Features panel Plane and select Midplane between Two Parallel Planes from the drop-down menu.
  2. In the graphics window, click the outside face shown in the following illustration:
  3. Now, rotate the view and click the outside face on the opposite side. The new work plane is created midplane between the two outside faces.
  4. Click Sheet Metal tab Pattern panel Mirror .
  5. Click in the Model browser to select the iFeature node of the first 2.5-mm Punch.
  6. Click again in the Model browser to select the iFeature node of the second 12-mm Punch.
  7. Click the Mirror Plane selection arrow in the Mirror dialog box to enable selection of the mirror plane.
  8. In the graphics window, click the midplane work plane that you created in the middle of the guard.
  9. Click OK to mirror the selected Punch iFeatures and close the Mirror dialog box. Notice that a Mirror node appears in the Model browser.

The mirrored features now appear on the opposite side of the guard.

Next, you create a flat pattern of your folded model.

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