Application Options settings

Application options control your preferences for appearance, behaviors, and file locations in your Inventor application. You import them during installation of your product, and you can modify them at any time using the Application Options dialog box. When you apply changes, they write to the registry, and the current user preferences are modified.

You can export and store application options settings to an .xml file, making them portable across computers, and easy to migrate when you upgrade your application. CAD Managers can use them to deploy a consistent set of user preferences for all users or specific groups.

Default application options

Two .xml files that contain the default application options that you can import reside within the registry:

Inventor_Default_Options.xml Equivalent to the default Application Options settings for previous releases. Text displays with icons.

AutoCAD_Related_Options.xml Provide a similar feel to the AutoCAD product.

Import and export of application options

If you import a set of default application options to switch the default option set after your initial setup, you change only the settings that differ between the two. The import process does not alter any other Application Options settings that you changed.

A partial list of Application Options settings is acceptable to import, as long as a valid .xml file is imported. In a partial list, the excluded settings retain their current values.

You can set application options and export them to an .xml file without applying them to the current session. Then use that file to generate new user preferences.

The Import and Export buttons display at the bottom of all tabs in the dialog box.