Insert a Toolbody Using Derive

You can create solid bodies within a part file and use them as toolbodies in the Combine command for a cut, join, or intersect operation. You can also use another component placed in the part file using the Derive command.

We will now use the Derive command to import another part file to use as a cutting tool later in the exercise.

Note: If you skipped the plastic features sections, you can open the file PFTutorial_Revolve_Combine.ipt and begin the tutorial here.
  1. On the ribbon, click Manage tab Insert panel Derive .
  2. In the file open dialog box, select the file Control_Button_Solid.ipt.
  3. In the Derived Part dialog box, you can select any of the solid body options, but do not select the surface feature option.
    Note: If the component you are inserting is an assembly, and you choose to maintain each solid as a solid body, the result is multiple bodies in the Solid Bodies folder.
  4. Click OK to finish.
  5. The new body is inserted in the part. Rotate the part to view the new body.

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