Edit sketch pattern

Apply edit to a pattern of sketch geometry.

Edit sketch pattern values

  1. In the browser, select the sketch, right-click, and then select Edit Sketch.
  2. Select a pattern member in the graphics window, right-click, and then select Edit Pattern.
  3. In the pattern dialog box, revise values for distance or angle between sketch pattern elements, direction, count, spacing or how the pattern is created.
  4. Click OK. The sketch pattern resizes with the new values.

Edit sketch pattern dimensions

  1. In the sketch, double-click the dimension to change.
  2. In the Edit Dimension dialog box, enter the new value, and then click the check mark. You can enter dimensions as equations, parameter names, or specific values.

Delete sketch pattern element

  1. If necessary, activate the sketch. Right-click the sketch in the browser and select Edit Sketch.
  2. In the graphics window, right-click a pattern element and select Edit Pattern.
  3. In the dialog box, click More and clear the Associative check mark, then click OK. Pattern dimensions are no longer associative.
  4. Delete curves as needed.