Adjust Balloons and Balloon Leaders

Having placed many balloons automatically, you may decide to reposition one or more balloons or balloon leaders.

In this case, the leader for balloon 1 (which identifies the base) needlessly crosses over the cylinder. In the following steps you move both the balloon and the leader arrow.

  1. Move your mouse over balloon 1. The balloon and leader highlight, and a green edit handle appears in the balloon center.
  2. Move your cursor over the green edit handle. When the move glyph appears next to your cursor, drag the balloon down towards balloon 7.
  3. Drag slowly over balloon 7 and then downwards.

    As you drag downwards, notice the vertical dotted line appears, indicating that your balloon position is aligned with balloon 7.

  4. Release your mouse button to accept a new balloon position similar to that shown in the following illustration.

    Next, you adjust the leader arrowhead position.

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