Create an Edge Fillet

Fillets and rounds are placed features that round off or cap interior or exterior corners or features of a part. The Fillet command creates the following types of fillets:

We now create a simple edge fillet using Direct Manipulation.

  1. Click the circular edge of the large diameter of the part.
  2. The mini-toolbar appears offering both Fillet (first button) and Chamfer (second button) command options.
  3. Click the Fillet button and the Fillet mini-toolbar appears.
    Note: While it is beyond the scope of this exercise to describe each of the mini-toolbar components, you are encouraged to review the Fillet topic in the Inventor Help.
  4. For the purpose of this tutorial, we need only consider the following four components of the mini-toolbar:
    • Value input box - used to enter a fillet radius in the value input field.
    • Ok button - indicated by a green check mark, the Ok button creates the fillet and terminates the command.
    • Apply button - indicated by a green '+', the Apply button lets you apply one or more edge fillets without exiting the Fillet command.
    • Cancel button - indicated by a red 'X', the Cancel button cancels the Fillet command. No fillets are created.
  5. Try dragging the gold distance arrow manipulator forward and backward over the circular edge. Observe how the fillet radius increases and decreases in real time.
  6. Drag the manipulator until 3.250 mm appears in the value input box, or enter the value 3.25 from the keyboard.
  7. Click the Ok button to create the fillet and exit the command.

The new feature, Fillet1 is added to the Model browser.

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