Migration Options dialog box

Sets options to apply to files that you select for a migration task.

The task can migrate files locally, or from a vault.

In the Migrate files dialog box, select files to migrate, and then click Options.

Local Options

Total Rebuild
Causes part (.ipt) files to rebuild using the Rebuild All command within your Inventor product. In general, it is not necessary to rebuild parts during migration. However, if you migrate from a release before R5.3, we recommend that you use the Total Rebuild option during part migration. Total Rebuild improves feature edit performance dramatically.
Skip Migrated Files
Skips files created in the new version and files migrated previously.
Include Assembly Graphics for Express Mode
Controls whether to save graphics in the assembly when migrating assembly documents. Saving graphics allows Express workflows. Turned off by default. Option is also available in Update Design Options dialog box.
Skip Files with Unresolved References
Skips files that are not resolved before you start the migration.
Set Defer Updates (Drawings only)
Controls the defer update setting in a drawing file. The defer update setting keeps a drawing file in a static state. Selection enables the defer update setting and to migrate the drawing files in a defer update state. This setting can be reset manually in the drawing settings dialog box to allow updates to continue.
Purge Old Versions
Keeps file size to a minimum. Deletes former versions of the migrated file after the migration task finishes. Back up all the versions of the files you need before you start the migration task.
Compact Model History
Do not select this option when migrating files to a new release. This option purges rollback history used for fast feature editing. Use only if you experience capacity limitations while working with large assemblies.


Create DWF Attachment
Publishes a DWF attachment for each of the files being migrated.
Delete Local Copy
Deletes the local copy of each file being migrated.
Enter comments to include with this version.
Saves comments with the file versions being migrated.