Use the Publish To Infrastructure Map Server command in AutoCAD Map 3D to publish your map components and to create web layouts.
The Web layout you create for the project is based on the current display model. When you are logged in as an administrator, and you publish your project for the first time, and if no Web layout has been assigned before, you can specify which type of Web layout to use: Basic Web Layout, Flexible Web Layout, or No Layout.
In Infrastructure Application Extension, you can use several display models to display your map. Display models are assigned to Infrastructure Application Extension automatically. If a display model contains several maps, publish each map to a separate folder.
If a display model contains several maps, you publish each display model map to a separate Map Definition. You publish each display model map into a different folder. See also To Create a Basic Web Layout.
Usually, you have a separate Plot display model that is used to display the plot features, such as the frame, north arrow, legend, or scalebar. You can publish it to Map Server separately.
You can view the assigned display model for the current map.
Use the urlaction.aspx and its parameters to start Infrastructure Application Extension. Using the parameters you specify the following actions:
All parameters can either be passed in the URL via GET method or by submitting a form via POST method. Using the POST method, you can handle larger data sets, and meet higher security requirements.
Use the URL parameters to specify the system user, system user password, user, user password, service, and project .
The login parameters are required only at the first call. Following calls reuse the parameters of the existing Infrastructure Application Extension session.
http://localhost/mapserver2013/appext/urlaction.aspx?ACTION=LOGIN &MAPSYS_USER=MAPSYS &MAPSYS_PWD=mapsys &USER=Administrator &PWD= &SERVICE=ORCL &PROJECT=APPEXT
http://localhost/mapserver2013/appext/urlaction.aspx?MAPSYS_USER=MAPSYS &MAPSYS_PWD=mapsys&USER=Administrator&PWD=&SERVICE=ORCL&PROJECT=APPEXT &ACTION=ZOOM &FIDS=3503%2C3890 &HIGHLIGHT=True &FACTOR=1.5 &MARK=True
http://localhost/mapserver2013/appext/urlaction.aspx?MAPSYS_USER=MAPSYS &MAPSYS_PWD=mapsys&USER=Administrator&PWD=&SERVICE=ORCL&PROJECT=APPEXT &ACTION=ZOOM &BBOX=687486%2C335868%2C687544%2C335916
http://localhost/mapserver2013/appext/urlaction.aspx?MAPSYS_USER=MAPSYS &MAPSYS_PWD=mapsys&USER=Administrator&PWD=&SERVICE=ORCL&PROJECT=APPEXT &ACTION=MARK &POINTS=687575.139%2C335793.35%2C687562.656%2C335944.721 &ZOOMTO=True &MARKING=On
Steps in this workflow: