Use Infrastructure Studio to create the Web layout for Infrastructure Application Extension from scratch. The Map Server Package can be used as a template to configure Infrastructure Studio for Infrastructure Application Extension.
Use Infrastructure Administrator to associate your project with an Infrastructure Application Extension layout you created using Autodesk Infrastructure Studio.
In Infrastructure Studio, we recommend that you configure the Feature Resource using a connection to the system user MAPSYS.
In feature class forms, you can assign documents to each feature, for example using the document manager, or the file selection control. For Infrastructure Application Extension, you specify the IIS alias for the file location.
See also System Table TB_GN_DIRECTORY_ALIAS.
To optimize your Infrastructure Application Extension configuration, follow these guidelines.
The file size of JPG or PNG8 images created for the AJAX viewer application can be smaller than a PNG image; however, the PNG file has a higher display quality.
When you use a view, use only the attributes in the views which you need.
For big scales and static data, use .sdf, .shp, or raster. For smaller scales or live data, use data from a database.
Steps in this workflow: