You can use Scale Values to increase or decrease the vertical distance proportionally between selected keys on the function curves in Curve Editor. It uses the
Scale Origin Line as a movable reference point for the scale operation.
Note: Scale Values is not available in Dope Sheet mode.
Practically speaking, scaling values always creates spatial adjustments, rather than temporal. For instance, by scaling values away from the 0 position on the vertical scale, you obtain exaggerated motion. To scale in time, use Scale Time instead.
To scale key values:
Select an object, then right-click and choose Curve Editor.
- Highlight one or more tracks, if necessary, and then highlight the keys you want to scale.
- On the Curve Editor toolbar, click
(Scale Values). The horizontal orange Scale Values Origin line appears at the 0 position on the vertical scale.
- Drag the Scale Values Origin line to where you want to scale values from or to.
Tip: An easy way to return the scale origin line to the 0 position is to close and reopen Track View.
- Drag any highlighted key vertically to scale all of them.
Tip: If you use
Lock Selection after highlighting the keys, you can drag anywhere in the Key window to create the scale operation.