Output New Suboperator

The Output New suboperator creates a new data channel that can be used by the Input Custom and Output Custom suboperators.


Data Type
Choose the output data type. Most of the data types are self explanatory; for a discussion of the more complex types, see Data Types.
Note: Thanks to the fact that Output New supports the Object data type, you can use the same reference objects in several Data operators, and you need to set them up in only one Data Operator. To do this, wire the output of a Select Object suboperator to an Output New suboperator, and then use an Input Custom suboperator in a different Data operator to extract the object reference selection that was done in the first Data Operator.
Data Access Scope
Choose whether the suboperator should work within the current event only (Event), or throughout the particle system (Global).

Priority And Execution Order group

See Priority and Execution Order.