The menu bar is located directly under the main window’s title bar. The title of each menu indicates the purpose of the commands on the menu.
3ds Max includes two menu systems. The default menu, known as the Standard menu, is the one you're familiar with if you've versions of 3ds Max prior to 3ds Max 2014. Alternatively, you can use the Enhanced menu, described in the Enhanced Menu section.
The default Standard menu follows standard Windows conventions, as described in this section. The Enhanced menu follows the same conventions and offers additional features as described in Enhanced Menu.
To open a menu from the menu bar, click its name, such as Edit or Customize. The menu opens as a list of commands and submenus or panels. To open a submenu, point at its name. To invoke a command, click its name.
As an alternative to using a mouse or other pointing device, most menu names includes an underlined character when you hold down the key. Pressing
+ that character key opens the menu, unless that particular key combination is assigned to a keyboard shortcut.
Some commands in the open menu have an underlined character as well. While the menu is open, pressing that character key invokes the command. While navigating menus with the keyboard, you can also use the arrow keys to move the highlighting and the key to activate a command.
An ellipsis (…) after a command name indicates that invoking the command opens a dialog.
A right-pointing triangle after a command name indicates that pointing at the name will cause a submenu to open.
If a command has a keyboard shortcut, the menu shows it to the right of the command name.
If a menu command is an on/off toggle, such as Render Setup, and the panel is set to display text only (Enhanced menu only), a check mark indicates its status: When the check mark is present, the command is active.
The Render Setup menu entry shows a check mark, indicating that the Render Setup dialog is open, as well as the keyboard shortcut: F10.
To search the entire 3ds Max system (menus and actions) for a particular command, press the X key with no menus open. This opens a small "Search All Actions" dialog at the mouse cursor location. As you enter the search text, a drop-down list opens from the search dialog showing matching actions. To choose an action, click its name. To clear the search field, click the X icon at the right end of the search box. To exit the search, choose a command, click outside the search interface, or press .
Entering text in the global search field shows all matching actions.
This function is also available as Search 3ds Max Commands on the Help panel of the Help menu in the Enhanced menu system.
The optional Enhanced menu system features improved organization of the default layout, configurable display, detailed tooltips that link to relevant help topics, drag-and-drop menu categories, and the ability to search for menu commands from the keyboard.
To access the Enhanced menus, open the Workspaces drop-down list on the Quick Access toolbar and choose Default With Enhanced Menus. For a list of the menus, see Enhanced Menus.
Following is a list of functions available with the Enhanced menu system:
In this partial view of the Modifiers menu, the Edit/Convert and Selection panels are collapsed, and the Spline panel is expanded.
Pointing at the title of a collapsed panel opens it as a submenu.
Use the scroll bar to view hidden parts of the menu bar.
Searching the Modifiers menu for commands matching "mesh"
The name Particle Flow Preset Manager is shortened with an ellipsis.
To see how to float and dock Enhanced menu panels and change the display mode, play the following video.