The Options menu has further choices for managing the Slate Material Editor.
Some menu choices are also accessible from toolbar or navigation buttons, so this topic shows the button alternative along with the menu choice.
When on, moving a parent node moves the child nodes along with the parent. When off, moving a parent node doesn’t change the children’s position. Default=off.
Keyboard shortcut: +C
Temporary shortcut: +
+drag moves a node with its children, but doesn’t turn on the Move Children toggle.
When on, subsequent material assignments propagate to all instances of the object in your scene, including imported AutoCAD blocks and ADT style-based objects; these object types are common in DRF files. Assignments also propagate to instances of Revit objects and other instances that you've made in the current scene. When Propagate Materials To Instances is off, subsequent material assignments do not propagate: Each object has a unique material assignment. Default=off.
Toggles the rendering of bitmaps in Preview windows. Default=on.
For example, when this option is on, a Preview window is rendered automatically when you resize it. Turning this option off turns off automatic rendering. This can save some time when you’re working with a large number of materials.
Keyboard shortcut: +
Opens the Slate Material Editor Options dialog.