To select features using a filter

Create an expression that specifies conditions for selecting features in your model.

To select features by location (spatial condition)

  1. Zoom to the desired area of interest in the model.
  2. Click .
  3. Specify a location condition.
    Note: If you need to change a location condition after you have drawn it, do not edit the location condition in the Expression Area. Edits might invalidate the expression. To change the location condition, delete it from the expression and redraw it.
  4. Add any other desired expression elements to the Expression Area and click OK to finish the expression. The model will highlight all features specified by the expression conditions.

To select features by property (property condition)

Select only the features that have the Property Value Condition(s) you specify. You can select all Surface Layer feature classes, all 3D object feature classes, multiple feature classes, a single feature class, or a subset.

  1. Click in the Utility Bar to open the Model Explorer.
  2. Do either:
    • Right-click on a Feature Class or Subset and choose Select by Filter.
    • Right-click on the Surface Layers folder or a 3D object folder such as Furniture, Points of Interest, or Structures, and choose Select by Filter.
      Note: Shift + Left-click to select multiple folders.
  3. Create an expression that specifies only the features that have the property value conditions you desire. For example, to select all features that specify a positive elevation offset, use ELEVATION_OFFSET > 0.
    Note: Only properties that are common to all the feature classes you selected are available. You can view and insert available values for a property from a list.
  4. InfraWorks 360 will perform Validation to check the syntax of the expression. Validation does not check whether the values you specified are valid for the data, or whether the results are as expected.
    Note: If Validation shows problems with the syntax of an expression, an error message will display possible solutions.
  5. Click OK to apply the filter.