iFeature Author dialog box - Threads tab

Specifies the thread type on iFeatures that are thread features or threaded holes.

In the table, add the thread variables, and then set the specifications for each row. The specifications correspond exactly to options in the Threads.xls spreadsheet and the Thread feature dialog box.

Ribbon: iFeature tab iFeature panel iFeature Author Table
Threads definition tree
The upper left pane lists all of the thread features in the iFeature, and the variables that can be used to define each of those threads. Thread values of the current iFeature are shown in brackets. Select a variable, and then click the right arrow to add it to the selected thread variables list in the right pane.
Selected thread variables
The upper right pane shows variables that are currently table-driven. Associated with each is a prompt that displays during iFeature placement. You can designate the thread variables as keys.
iFeature table
The lower pane contains the currently defined table for this iFeature. It can include columns for data on the Parameters, Geometry, Properties, Threads, and Other tabs. Click a cell to edit its value.

In the Thread Feature dialog box, Specification tab, note the particular text and format used in the spreadsheet. Use that precise text and format to add designations for family, size, pitch, and direction in the cells of the thread variables.


Each row in the table represents an instance of a table-driven iFeature. Right-click the row and select options to edit the table.

Insert Row
Adds another instance, and then edits the cell values as required to create a unique instance.
Delete Row
Removes the instance from the table.
Set as Default Row
Sets this row as the default instance.
Custom Parameter Cell
Allows entry of a custom value when the table-driven iFeature is used.

Each column represents input that you can vary for this iFeature. Right-click the column, and select options to edit the table.

Custom Parameter
Enter a custom value when the iFeature is used.
Delete Column
Remove it from the table. Equivalent to clicking Remove to remove a property from the Selected properties list.