Bend Order Edit dialog box

Edits the Bend Order sequence in a sheet metal part.

Specifies a sequence number override with a value that can be unique or duplicate.

Ribbon: Flat Pattern tab Manage panel Bend Order Annotation . Then click a Bend Order glyph.

Click the checkbox for Bend Number.

Bend Number
Specifies the numeric value to override displayed bend order sequence value.
Unique Number
Specifies that the Bend Number is unique within the bend order sequence.
  • Enabled if the override is a number that exists in the sequence. When Unique Number is selected, the remaining sequence numbers are incremented.
  • Disabled and checked if the override is not in the sequence.
Duplicate Number
Specifies that the Bend Number is duplicated within the bend order sequence.
  • Enabled when the override is a number that exists in the sequence. When Duplicate Number is selected, the remaining sequence numbers are unaffected.
  • Disabled and checked if the override is already in the sequence and there is more than one bend with the same number.