Copies selected sketch geometry, and places one or more instances in the sketch. Also, copies the selection to the application clipboard for future paste operations.
- Select
- Specifies the geometry to copy. Turns on by default when you activate the Copy command
- Base Point
- Sets the starting reference point for the copy command. When selected, to enter X and Y coordinates of the base point, click in the graphics window, or select the Precise Input check box and enter values.
- Clipboard [Ctrl-C]
- Saves a temporary copy of the selected geometry to paste into a sketch.
- Precise Input
- Turns on or off the Precise Input toolbar, where you enter exact coordinates for the base point. Also available from Sketch tab Create Panel Precise Input .
- Optimize for Single Selection
- After you select geometry, automatically advances to Base Point selection. For multiple selections of geometry before you select the base point, clear the check box.