Link Parameters dialog box

Defines the links from specified parameters into a document

Select a linked file or, in the Parameters dialog box, right-click a parameter folder title or an already-linked component, and click Edit Folder.

If you select non-exported parameters for linking, in the source document, the parameters are flagged for export. A prompt asks whether you want to alter the source document.

Specifies the status on multiple selected parameters at the same time:

Links the selected parameters from the linked file.

Excludes the selected parameters from linking.

Controls the status of the parameters associated with selected parameters:
  • To turn on or off a parameter status, click the icon next to a parameter,


  • Select multiple parameters, and then, at the top of the dialog box, click a status symbol. The symbols correspond to the status commands previously described, with this addition:

    Indicates that the folder contains mixed linked and non-linked parameters.

Model Parameters
Parameters that generate when you add new features or dimensions.
User Parameters
Parameters that you define.
Show All Parameters
When selected, lists all linked and non-linked parameters.