Move dialog box

Moves selected sketch geometry from a specified point, or moves a copy of the geometry. Constraints between the selected geometry and unselected geometry affect move results.


Ribbon: Sketch tab Modify panel Move

Selects the geometry to move. Turns on by default when you activate the Move command.
Base Point
Sets the starting point for the move command. When selected, to enter X and Y coordinates of the base point, click in the graphics window, or select the Precise Input check box and enter values.
When selected, copies the selected geometry and places it at the specified endpoint. Leaves the selected geometry in place. Clear the check box to move the selected geometry.
Precise Input
Turns on or off the Precise Input toolbar, where you enter exact coordinates for the base point and endpoint. Also available from Sketch tab Create Panel Precise Input .
Optimize for Single Selection

After you select geometry, automatically advances to Base Point selection. For multiple selections of geometry before you select the base point, clear the check box.

Expands the dialog box, where you set overrides for dimensional and geometric constraints while editing a 2D sketch. The overrides remain in effect until you end the current session, or change the settings.
Relax Dimensional Constraints
  • Never Does not relax dimensions. The move operation obeys all dimensions associated with the selected geometry. If the operation fails, a dialog box displays.
  • If No Equation Does not relax dimensions that are a function of any other dimension.
  • Always After the move operation completes, all linear and angular dimensions associated with the selected geometry recompute.
    • Relaxes all dimensions outside of the selection.
    • Ignores all dimensions inside the selection set.
  • Prompt (Default) If the move operation does not complete, a dialog box explains the problem and offers solutions.
Break Geometric Constraints
  • Never Geometric constraints remain unmodified. The move operation obeys all existing geometric constraints. If the operation fails, displays a dialog box.
  • Always Deletes only fixed constraints that are associated with the selected geometry. Deletes constraints between the selected and unselected geometry, except Parallel, Perpendicular, and Equal.
  • Prompt (Default) If the move operation does not complete, a message appears explaining the problem.

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