Gradient_Ramp : TextureMap

Gradient_Ramp - superclass: textureMap; super-superclass:material - classID: #(502029190, 1127758417) 

Value > MAXWrapper > Material > TextureMap > Gradient_Ramp



Materials and Maps - Quick Navigation




<Gradient_Ramp>.Gradient_Type Integer default: 4 

The type of gradient:

0- 4 Corner (An asymmetrical linear transition of colors.)

1- Box (A box.)

2- Diagonal (A linear diagonal transition of colors.)

3- Lighting (Based on the light intensity value.)

4- Linear (A smooth, linear transition of colors.)

5- Mapped (Based on the luminance. Remaps the colors of the source map used in the gradient.)

6- Normal (Based on the angle between the vector from the camera to the object and the surface normal vector at the sample point.)

7- Pong (A diagonal sweep that repeats in the middle.)

8- Radial (A radial transition of colors.)

9- Spiral (A smooth, circular transition of colors.)

10- Sweep (A linear sweep transition of colors.)

11- Tartan (A plaid.)


<Gradient_Ramp>.Source_Map_On Integer default: 1 

When on, assigns a map to a mapped gradient.

0- Off

1- On


<Gradient_Ramp>.Noise_Type Integer default: 0 

Sets the noise type:

0- Regular (Generates plain noise. Basically the same as fractal noise with levels disabled, because Regular is not a fractal function.)

1- Fractal (Generates noise using a fractal algorithm. levels sets the number of iterations for the fractal noise.)

2- Turbulence (Generates fractal noise with an absolute value function applied to it to make fault lines.

NOTE:that amount must be greater than 0 to see any effects of turbulence.)


<Gradient_Ramp>.amount Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

When nonzero, a random noise effect is applied to the gradient, based on the interaction of the gradient ramp colors (and maps, if present). The higher this value, the greater the effect.


<Gradient_Ramp>.size Float default: 1.0 -- animatable 

Sets the scale of the noise function. Smaller values give smaller chunks of noise.


<Gradient_Ramp>.phase Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

Controls the speed of the animation of the noise function. A 3D noise function is used for the noise; the first two parameters are U and V and the third is phase.


<Gradient_Ramp>.Levels Float default: 4.0 -- animatable 

Sets the number of fractal iterations or turbulence (as a continuous function).


<Gradient_Ramp>.Low_Threshold Float default: 0.0 -- animatable <Gradient_Ramp>.High_Threshold Float default: 1.0 -- animatable 

When the noise value is above the Low threshold and below the High threshold, the dynamic range is stretched to fill 0 to 1. This causes a smaller discontinuity at the threshold transition and produces less potential aliasing.


<Gradient_Ramp>.Threshold_Smoothing Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

Helps make a smoother transition from the threshold value to the noise value. When 0, no smoothing is applied. When 1, the maximum amount of smoothing is applied.


<Gradient_Ramp>.coordinates SubAnim 

See UVGenClass for the StandardUVGen properties.


<Gradient_Ramp>.output StandardTextureOutput 

See TexOutputClass for the StandardTextureOutput properties.


<Gradient_Ramp>.gradient_ramp SubAnim 

This subanim contains all flags in the map. Currently, flags are being added dynamically by the UI only and can not be created using MAXScript. Existing flags can be accessed as subanims of the gradient_ramp subanim though.


<Gradient_Ramp.gradient_ramp>.flag__1 SubAnim <Gradient_Ramp.gradient_ramp>.flag__2 SubAnim <Gradient_Ramp.gradient_ramp>.flag__3 SubAnim 

These are the 3 default color flags of a newly created Gradient_Ramp Map.


<Gradient_Ramp.gradient_ramp.flag__1>.color Point3 default: [0,0,0] -- animatable 
<Gradient_Ramp.gradient_ramp.flag__2>.color Point3 default: [255,255,255] -- animatable 
<Gradient_Ramp.gradient_ramp.flag__3>.colorPoint3 default: [127.5,127.5,127.5] -- animatable 

Each flag has a color property which contains the color associated with the flag. Note that the 3 rd flag is the middle flag. The first and the second flag cannot be removed and are always accessible. Any additional flags between the first and the second will have higher numbers.


<Gradient_Ramp.gradient_ramp.flag__3>.position Float default:50.0-- animatable 

The 3 rd flag has a position property which defines its location between the first and the second flag. The first two flags cannot be moved. Any additional flags added through the UI will have a position property and can be accessed through MAXScript.

See Also