UV Texture Editor toolbar

These are descriptions of the items in the UV Texture Editor toolbar. The UV Texture Editor toolbar lets you readily access many of the frequently used items that exist within the UV Texture Editor menus. For the features that have options, you can -click a button to display its options.

UV Tool buttons

UV Lattice Tool

The UV Lattice Tool manipulates the layout of UVs as a group by letting you create a lattice around the UVs for deformation purposes. See Modify UVs using the UV Lattice Tool.

Move UV Shell Tool

The Move UV Shell Tool lets you select and reposition a UV shell by selecting a single UV on the shell. You can automatically prevent the repositioned UV shell from overlapping other UV shells in the 2D view.

UV Smudge Tool

The UV Smudge Tool lets you move the position of selected UVs and their neighboring UVs to a diminishing extent that is user defined. See Modify UVs using the UV Smudge Tool.

Select Shortest Edge Path Tool

The Select Shortest Edge Path Tool lets you select a path of edges between two vertices on a surface mesh. It determines the most direct path between any two selection points and selects the polygon edges in between. See Select a path of edges between two vertices.

Smooth UV Tool

The Smooth UV Tool lets you control the amount of unfold or relax applied to a selection of UVs by dragging the mouse across the screen. See Optimize UVs and Unfold a UV mesh.

Tweak UV Tool

The Tweak UV Tool lets you freely transform components in the UV Texture Editor. See Tweak UVs.

UV orientation buttons

These items let you edit the orientation and rotation of UVs.

Flip U

Flips the positions of the selected UVs in the U direction. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Flip.

Flip V

Flips the positions of the selected UVs in the V direction. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Flip.

Rotate UVs counterclockwise

Rotates the positions of the selected UVs by 45 degrees in a counterclockwise direction. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Rotate.

Rotate UVs clockwise

Rotates the positions of the selected UVs by 45 degrees in a clockwise direction. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Rotate.

Cut and sew UV buttons

These items let you cut and sew UV shells.

Cut UVs along selection

Separates UVs along the selected edges, creating borders. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Cut UV Edges.

Split UVs

Separates UVs from each other along the edges connected to the selected UV points, creating borders. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Split UVs.

Sew UVs

Attaches UVs along the selected borders, but does not move them together in the texture editor view. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Sew UV Edges.

Move and Sew UVs

Attaches UVs along the selected borders, and moves them together in the texture editor view. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Move and Sew UV Edges.

UV layout buttons


Attempts to arrange the UVs into a cleaner layout, based on the settings in the Layout UVs option box. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Layout.

Grid UVs

Moves every selected UV to its nearest grid intersection in texture space. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Grid.

To change the grid, right-click the View Grid button on the toolbar.


Unwraps the selected UV mesh while attempting to ensure that the UVs do not overlap. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Unfold.

Select Faces Selects any UV faces connected to the currently selected UVs.

UV alignment buttons

Align Min U

Aligns the positions of the selected UVs to the minimum U value. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Align.

Align Max U

Aligns the positions of the selected UVs to the maximum U value. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Align.

Align Min V

Aligns the positions of the selected UVs to the minimum V value. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Align.

Align Max V

Aligns the positions of the selected UVs to the maximum V value. Shortcut for Edit UVs > Align.

Isolate selection buttons

These items let you work on a subset of UV faces while hiding the rest.

Toggle Isolate Select Mode

Switches between showing all UVs and only the isolated UVs. Shortcut for View > Isolate Select > View Set.

Add selected to isolation

Adds the selected UVs to the isolated subset. When you click the Toggle isolation button the selected UVs will be visible. Shortcut for View > Isolate Select > Add Selected.

Remove selected from isolation

Removes the selected UVs from the isolated subset. Shortcut for View > Isolate Select > Remove Selected.

Remove all

Clears the isolated subset. You can then select a new set of UVs and click Toggle isolation to isolate them. Shortcut for View > Isolate Select > Remove All.

Image and texture buttons

These items let you control the display of images and textures in the UV Texture Editor.

Display Image

Shows or hides the texture image. Shortcut for Image > Display Image.

Toggle Filtered Image

Switches the background image between hardware texture filtering and sharply defined pixels. Shortcut for Image > Display Unfiltered.

Dim Image

Reduces the brightness of the currently displayed background image. Shortcut for Image > Dim Image.

View Grid

Shows or hides the grid. Shortcut for View > Grid.

Pixel Snap

Chooses whether to automatically snap UVs to pixel boundaries. Shortcut for Image > Pixel Snap.

Shade UVs

Shades selected UV shells in a semi-transparent fashion so you can determine areas of overlap or UV winding order.

Toggle Distortion Shader

Identifies areas of stretching or compression by shading faces with squashed and stretched UVs. See Identify UV distortion.

Display Alpha Channel

Displays the Alpha (transparency) channel of the selected texture image. Shortcut for Image > Display Alpha Channels.

Toggle Texture Borders

Toggles the display of texture borders on UV shells. Texture borders appear with a thick line.

Toggle Checker Shader

Applies a checker pattern texture to the surface of the UV mesh and behind UVs in the UV Texture Editor. See Apply the checker pattern shader to a UV mesh.

Display RGB Channels

Displays the RGB (color) channels of the selected texture image. Shortcut for Image > Display RGB Channels.

UV texturing buttons

UV Texture Editor Baking

Bakes the texture and stores it in memory. See Image > Dim Image. Shortcut for Image > UV Texture Editor Baking.

Force editor texture rebake

Rebakes the texture. If you turn on Image > UV Texture Editor Baking, you must rebake the texture (using Force Editor Texture Rebake) after making changes to the texture (File node and place2dTexture node attributes) in order to see the effect of those changes.

Use Image Ratio

Switches between showing square texture space and texture space with the same ratio of width to height as the image. Shortcut for Image > Use Image Ratio.

UV edit buttons

U coordinate, V coordinate

Shows the coordinates of the selected UVs. Edit the text boxes and press to move the points.

Refresh UV values

The UV coordinates in the text boxes on the toolbar do not update automatically as you move the selected UV point. Click the refresh button to update the values in the text boxes.

UV Transformation Entry

Changes the UV coordinate entry mode between absolute and relative values. Also provides entry of UV rotation values.


Copies the selected UV points or faces (depending on the Copy/paste faces or UVs button) to the clipboard.


Pastes UV points or faces (depending on the Copy/paste faces or UVs button) from the clipboard.

Paste U to selected UVs

Pastes only the U values on the clipboard onto the selected UV points.

Paste V to selected UVs

Pastes only the V values on the clipboard onto the selected UV points.

Copy/paste faces or UVs

Switches the Copy and Paste buttons on the toolbar between working on UVs and UV faces.

Cycle UVs

Rotates the U and V values of the selected polygon.

Nudge components

Repositions the selected components. See Nudge components in the UV Texture Editor.