Nudge shells and components in the UV Texture Editor

Optimize your UV layout using the nudge controls in the UV Texture Editor toolbar.

To nudge shells in the UV Texture Editor

  1. Select a group of UVs on a shell.
  2. Press any of the arrow keys.

    The UV shell that is associated with the original UV selection moves by one tile.

To nudge components in the UV Texture Editor

  1. Make a selection in the UV Texture Editor. See Select UVs.
    Tip: You can also use Soft Selection mode to expand your selection. Before nudging components, ensure that Falloff Mode is set to Surface in the Soft Selection settings.
  2. (Optional) In the UV Texture Editor toolbar, enter a value in the nudge controls.

    By default, the nudge controls are set to 0.1.

  3. Do one of the following to nudge your selection:
    • Use the arrows in nudge controls .
    • Use + any of the arrow keys.

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