You can quickly select full or partial component loops and rings with the Modeling Toolkit.
To select an edge loop
- In the Modeling Toolkit, click the edge selection mode icon .
- Double-click an edge on your mesh.
All of the edges in the loop are selected.
To select a vertex loop
- In the Modeling Toolkit, click the vertex selection mode icon .
- Select a vertex on your mesh.
- + double-click an adjacent vertex along the same path.
All of the vertices in the loop are selected.
To select a face loop
- In the Modeling Toolkit, click the face selection mode icon .
- Select a face on your mesh.
- + double-click an adjacent face along the same path.
All of the faces in the loop are selected.
To select an edge ring
- In the Modeling Toolkit, click the edge selection mode icon.
- Select an edge on your mesh.
- + double-click a parallel edge along the same ring path.
All the edges in the path are selected.
To select a partial loop or ring
- In the Modeling Toolkit, click a selection mode icon (edge, vertex, face).
- Select a component on your mesh (edge, vertex, face).
- + double-click another component along the same loop or ring path.
All the components between the two components are selected.
To subtract from a loop selection
- In your scene, select a loop.
- -click or -click one component along the loop path.
- -double click another component along the same loop path.
The partial loop is subtracted from the full loop.
Tip: -click a component to subtract it from your loop/ring selection.