Startup Files and Defaults
When you start 3ds Max, several auxiliary files load, setting things like program defaults and UI layout. You can even create a scene, named maxstart.max, that automatically loads when you start or reset 3ds Max. In some cases, 3ds Max updates files when you change settings and when you quit 3ds Max.
The Initialization File
The file 3ds Max uses to store settings between sessions is named 3dsmax.ini. In most cases, you don’t need to access this file directly. To find it, if necessary, use the Windows Search function.
Crash Recovery System
If 3ds Max encounters an unexpected crash, it attempts to recover and save the file currently in memory.
Backing Up and Archiving Scenes
You should regularly back up and archive your work. One convenient method is to save incremental copies of your scenes. This method creates a history of your work process.
Viewing and Navigating 3D Space
Everything in 3ds Max is located in a three-dimensional world that you view through one or more viewports. You have a variety of options for visualizing this enormous stage-like space, from the tiniest details to the full extent of your scene.
Selecting Objects
In most cases, before you can perform an action on an object or objects in your scene, you must first select them. Thus, the act of selection is an essential part of the modeling and animation process.
Moving, Rotating, and Scaling Objects
To change an object’s position, orientation, or scale, click one of the three transform buttons on the main toolbar or choose a transform from a shortcut menu. Apply the transform to a selected object using the mouse, the status bar Coordinate Display fields, a type-in dialog, or any combination of the above.
Precision and Drawing Aids 3ds Max provides tools that give you control over the positioning and alignment of objects in 3D space.
List of Available Utilities
The table of contents for this help lists utilities alongside the features they support. This topic provides a consolidated, alphabetical list.
Multi-Touch Devices 3ds Max can recognize gestural input from your multi-touch device, meaning you can work with a scene using simple finger taps and hand gestures.