About the Transmittal Object Library (ActiveX/ATO)

The AutoCAD Transmittal feature packages an open drawing or sheet set along with all of the required files to properly display and print the drawings when collaborating with others on a project. Prior to creating a transmittal package, which are the files to be shared with others while collaborating on a project, a "transmittal set" must first be defined. When a transmittal package is created from a transmittal set, the files in the transmittal set are copied to a folder along with a report (the "report text") that lists the files in the transmittal set. The files of the transmittal package can be put into an archive file and sent as email attachment or posted on a file sharing site. For more information about packaging and transmitting drawing files, see the AutoCAD ETRANSMIT command.

The AutoCAD ETRANSMIT command uses the Transmittal engine to create a transmittal package. The Transmittal engine can also be accessed using the Transmittal Object library which allows developers to automate many of the same workflows that can be performed with the AutoCAD ETRANSMIT command.

You can perform the following operations with the Transmittal Object library:

The Transmittal Object library does not support the following operations that can be performed with the AutoCAD ETRANSMIT command:

Note: The creation of a ZIP file or sending a transmittal pack as an email attachment can be done using a Third-party library or one of the appropriate namespace in the .NET Framework.