About Getting Started with the Transmittal Object Library (ActiveX/ATO)

The Transmittal Object library includes multiple COM interfaces that allow developers to create transmittal sets, monitor transmittal set operations, and add files to a transmittal set. The Transmittal Object library can be used with any programming language that supports the use of ActiveX/COM. Some of the commonly used programming languages that support ActiveX/COM are:

To use the Transmittal Object library, you must reference the following file that is installed with a supported AutoCAD-based program or the ObjectARX SDK:

Optionally, the following libraries might need to be referenced:

Note: Substitute <version> for the version number of the API used by the AutoCAD-based program being targeted.

The following provides a cross reference between Transmittal Object library versions and the AutoCAD-based program releases in which a particular version is supported: