Creating a Grade Version for a Cut

Save the grade to store the grading data on a specific cut. Grades are named using sequential numbers, but you can optionally add a text name to the number.

Note: You cannot create a grade if a cut is not loaded since a grade needs to always be linked to a cut.

To create a grade for a cut:

  1. Create or load a cut for which you want to save a grade. See Managing Cuts.
  2. Work on the grade as needed.
  3. In the Main menu, click Setup, and then click Grade.

    The Grade menu appears.

  4. In the Grade menu, do one of the following:
    • Click New Version to save the new grade version as a binary file.
    • Hold down Ctrl and click New Version to save the grade version as an XML file.
  5. (Optional) Type a name for the grade in the Grade field and press Enter.

The grade appears in the Grade list under the current scene. It is given a sequential number. If you gave it a name, that name appears in addition to the number. The name of the associated cut appears in brackets to the right of the grade name.