Project Settings

Use the Project settings to define:

For the project's directory structure, follow the guidelines described in Recommended Directory Structure for Projects. When entering a directory path, you can use the path browser. See Browsing for Paths.

(a) Percent/Pixel option box  (b) Drop Frame button (c) Frame Rate field (d) Pixel Ratio slider  

Project Name field
Enter the name of the project.
Project Home field
Enter, or browse to, the location of the main project directory.
Scans Full Home field
Enter, or browse to, the location of the scanned footage directory.
Scans Half Home field
Enter, or browse to, the location of the proxy footage directory.
Renders Full Home field
Enter, or browse to, the location of the render directory for renders of (full resolution) footage.
Renders Half Home field
Enter, or browse to, the location of the render directory for renders of proxy footage.
Architecture option box
Toggle to set the default grading architecture and colour space while working in Lustre to logarithmic or linear.
Scan Type option box
Toggle to set the default scan type.
Frame Rate buttons
Enable the default frame rate for the project's timeline and editing tools.
Drop Frame button
Enable when your shot contains drop frames. For the majority, this button is greyed-out since most of the default frame rates do not support drop frames. This button becomes available when you select a frame rate that supports drop frames (e.g., you have selected 29.97 or you have entered a personal frame rate within the frame rate field).
Frame Rate field
Displays the selected default frame rate or you can enter your own frame rate within the field.
Output Colour Space option box
Toggle to set the default colour space architecture when rendering to logarithmic or linear.
Percent/Pixel option box
Toggle to set whether Lustre will determine the proxy width as a percentage of the original footage, or as a fixed number of pixels.
Proxy Width slider
Use to define the default proxy width. Whether it is a percentage or a number of pixels is defined by the Percent/Pixel option box.
Pixel Ratio button
Enable to configure the default aspect ratio.
Pixel Ratio slider
Sets the default aspect ratio. Available if Pixel Ratio is enabled.
Stereoscopy button
Enable to work on a stereoscopic project.
RED Timecode option box
Select which RED media timecode to transcode. Note that when conforming an EDL, overiding the timecode data of the clips with a different timecode track will prevent relinking in the Autodesk Visual Effects and Finishing applications. For more information about RED media and transcoding, see Transcode Options.
Select: To:
Primary Select either the Time of Day or Edgecode timecode. Only select this option if you know which timecode has been set as the primary.
Time of Day Establish a timecode field that is set by the internal clock from the RED camera.
Edgecode Establish a timecode field that is set by the camera operator.
Startup Grade Load option box
Select the grade loading behavior at startup. Options are:
  • Never Load: Does not load a grade at startup.
  • User Based: Loads the last grade used by the current user.
  • Project Based: Loads the last grade used in the project.
  • Latest Grade: Loads the most recent grade listed in the Grades List. This is useful when working in a collaborative environment, where a colorist may work with multiple grades and exit the application when not using the latest grade version that he/she created. When the application restarts, it will load the most recent grade in the Grades List.
Project Template field
Enter the name of a project template you wish to create in this field before clicking Save.
Save button
Click to save the project settings of the current project to the template named in the Project Template field. Use to create a new template or to update an existing template.
Load button
Click to load a project template after you select a template in the Template Name list.
Delete button
Click to delete a project template after you select a template in the Template Name list.
Template Name list
Select an existing project template from this list before loading or deleting the selected template. See Working with Templates.