Creating Batch FX

To apply Batch FX on a timeline segment:

  1. Select one or more video segments on the sequence on which to apply Batch FX.
  2. Click the FX button.
  3. Select one of the following options and click Create Batch FX to enter Batch FX view:
    Select: To:
    No Option Enter Batch FX with a single timeline segment. Any existing Timeline FX will be discarded.
    Selection As Clip Enter Batch FX with any existing Timeline FX converted into a single Batch FX clip. If required, click Explode FX in the Clip Settings menu to explode all Timeline FX in the clip into a process tree.
    Selection As Flowgraph Enter Batch FX with existing Timeline FX converted to a Batch FX pipeline. The Batch FX view recreates the timeline as a flowgraph with effects nodes representing each Timeline FX (and Comp node). In some cases, MUX nodes can be used to help connect multiple RGBA inputs to the outputs.
    Selection As 3D Comp Enter Batch FX with existing Timeline FX converted into a 3D composition Batch FX pipeline with an Action node. The Batch FX view recreates the timeline as a flowgraph with effects nodes representing each Timeline FX, and outputting to an Action node. In some cases, MUX nodes can be used to help connect multiple RGBA inputs to the outputs.
    Add Adjustment Segment Create a gap on a track above the selected segment, and enter Batch FX with the segment clip designated as a Back clip. The adjustment segment uses the top media of the tracks below the timeline gap as the input. Inside Batch FX, the input is called the Back Clip. For example, if three tracks are composited together and an adjustment segment is added on top, the image available through the Back Clip is only the output of the third track.
  4. After exiting Batch FX, click Enter Editor in the FX pipeline to re-enter it or alternatively double-click the BFX icon on the segment or pipeline.

Tips for working in Batch FX: