UV Map Settings

Use the UV Mapping settings to select how the UV coordinates of an attached displace, normal, or diffuse node are mapped to the 3D model. You can also apply axis transformations to the UV map. These transformations are different from the settings of the parent axis in that they transform the axes of the actual UV map coordinates.

UV Mapping Type box
Select the type of UV mapping to apply to the attached node.

When a Displace or Normal node is attached to a geometry, you may need a UV mapping type other than Default for the displace or normal pattern to have any effect on the geometry.

Note: When a Diffuse node is attached to a geometry, you must select Wrap from the Mapping box in the Diffuse menu to be able to use the UV mapping settings. See Diffuse Mapping.
Use GroupId button
Enable to respect GroupId information in an FBX file created in 3ds Max.
Smooth Angle button
Enable to override existing normals in the geometry, then use the Smooth Angle field to change the value.
Smooth Angle field
Displays the angle at which the edges of normals become hard. Changes to this field only affect the shading of the displacement, and not the shape. Editable.
Position X field
Displays the position of the X axis. Editable.
Position Y field
Displays the position of the Y axis. Editable.
Position Z field
Displays the position of the Z axis. Editable.
Rotation X field
Displays the rotation of the X axis. Editable.
Rotation Y field
Displays the rotation of the Y axis. Editable.
Rotation Z field
Displays the rotation of the Z axis. Editable.
Scale X field
Displays the scale of the X axis. Editable.
Scale Y field
Displays the scale of the Y axis. Editable.
Scale Z field
Displays the scale of the Z axis. Editable.
Prop Scale button
Scales the X, Y, and Z UV axes proportionally.
Shear X field
Displays the shear of the X axis. Editable.
Shear Y field
Displays the shear of the Y axis. Editable.
Shear Z field
Displays the shear of the Z axis. Editable.
Note: The UV Transform fields are only available if a Mapping Type other than Default is selected.