3D Geometry Menu Settings

You can change and animate parameters such as the colour, specular highlight, shine, and transparency of 3D models. You set these parameters using the Geometry menu. To access this menu, double-click a Geometry node in the schematic, or follow the tab population rules for the Object menu (see Populating Menu Tabs of Selected Objects).

Blending Settings

Blend Type box
Select whether to use Flame or Photoshop blend modes.
Blend Mode box
Select how the 3D model and the scene are combined. The available list of modes depends on the selection in the Blend Type box. See Surface Blending Modes.
Transparency field
Displays the transparency level of the 3D model. Editable.
Shine field
Displays the intensity value of the specular highlight. When this value is zero, the specular highlight is disabled. Shine affects both size and intensity. Editable.

See Creating a Specular Highlight on a Model.

Specular colour pot
Displays the colour of light reflected by the 3D model's surface. To enable the specular highlight, the Shine value must be larger than 0. Editable.
Diffuse colour pot
Displays the diffuse colour. Editable.

Surface Settings

Sort Order box
Select the drawing priority of the 3D model normals.
Select: To draw the polygons:
Shade Both That are both facing and opposite the camera.
Shade Front Facing the camera last.
Shade Back Opposite the camera last. This option is especially useful for semi-transparent models
Force 2-Sided button
Enable to have lights in the scene light both the inside and outside of the geometry (when shading is turned on).
Shadow Casting box
Select how the selected geometry object will be affected by a Shadow Cast object in the scene. See Surface and Geometry Shadow Casters.

Polygons Settings

Polygons field
Displays the number of polygons in the 3D model. Non-editable.
Subdivide button
Enable to create high-quality shading for polygon models.
Resolution field
Displays the geometry resolution of the 3D model. Active when Subdivide is enabled. Editable.
Wireframe box
Select a wireframe option for the 3D model. When you render the 3D model with Wireframe or Original Wire selected, it retains its light, shading, and texture attributes.
Select: To:
Solid Disable wireframe for the 3D model (filled polygons are drawn).
Wireframe Display the model as a wireframe outline (triangular polygons only).
Original Wire Display the model as a wireframe outline (original mesh; any polygon type). May be useful for imported geometries.
Sort button
Enable to determine how the 3D model is drawn according to its normals.