The Storyboard is a thumbnail representation of your timeline. Each individual thumbnail represents a single shot. The Storyboard has multiple viewing options. You can:
- Show or hide the Storyboard.
- Display the Storyboard in regular or large view.
- Select one or more shots.
- Identify selected shots by means of their selection colours.
- Refresh Storyboard thumbnails.
- Collapse the Storyboard thumbnails.
- Automatically update the Storyboard thumbnails.
- Display system or user-defined flags on the Storyboard and on the On-Screen Display:
- You can create up to 128 user-defined flags, but a maximum of 40 user-defined flags can be displayed in Storyboard display. The number of flags that can be displayed in On-Screen Display varies based on flag size and the resolution of the content.
- When loading a grade, the flags saved in this grade can be integrated to the application-based custom flags file. This is enabled using the Keep Flags From Grades User Preference.
- When the Keep Flags From Grade option is disabled, you can still save flags from your grades, when modifying the grades (position, name or color). The flags are saved when you save the grade.